Monday, June 2, 2014

the lupine fields

In addition to the famous lupine field off of Highway 68 (above) -- which every Spring attracts gawkers, photographers and painters -- a little bit of exploring in Toro Park led us to an even more spectacular lupine field (below), set back from the road, off the beaten path and not an object of mass consumption.
Actually when I saw this fence line I thought that maybe it was the park boundary and that for some reason the neighboring range land was more lupine-friendly.


  1. Hi, what trail did you follow to see these lupine flowers?
    Thank you very much

    1. I don't remember the names, but there are a series of trails on the west side of the park as you enter. I believe they parallel the park boundary, which is not far from the westernmost trail. These fields were also probably less than a mile from Highway 68.
